Teen & Young Adult Coaching

for a Healthy and Confident Teen Life

Teen Health & Wellness Coaching

Navigating the challenges of adolescence can feel overwhelming and lead to unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. For teenagers struggling with self-esteem and negative self-beliefs, it often manifests into unhealthy eating behaviors and body dysmorphia.

Is your teen experiencing struggles with their eating and feeling like they can’t control it?

Are they constantly judging their body, comparing and despairing they don’t measure up?

Are they down on themselves, feeling “not enough”, and lacking confidence?

These are all signs your teen is struggling with their self-esteem and don’t know how to change it.

They focus on appearance, weight, and food to try and resolve their inner conflict.

The result is, it takes over their thoughts, feelings and their life!

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The Teen-Esteem Healthy Reset group program

My teen group coaching program provides a collaborative and supportive environment where teens work through their greatest inner challenges, build self-esteem, and replace unhealthy beliefs and behaviors to create greater health, wellness, and happiness!

By joining the group your teen will be part of a transformative program filled with mindset shifts, lasting behavior change, and highly-effective tools that your teen can leverage now and throughout their life.

More life-changing than a therapist, more effective than a nutritionist and, more sustainable than a diet.

This is a a true game-changer for your teen!


“Through Leslie’s coaching, I have gained the ability to recognize that restricting is not always the key to achieving your goal, but mindfulness leads you there.

Before we began our sessions, I viewed indulging in sweets as a guilty action, and something to be avoided.

Now, I allow myself to continue to indulge in sweets that I crave, just on a more thoughtful basis that will maintain my overall health. This has removed the shame that has previously been felt when deciding to eat something considered “unhealthy”.

My biggest ‘aha’ moment was definitely understanding this fact. When I finally grasped it, my cravings became less frequent and I found more joy in eating sweet treats on occasion rather than daily. “

Why Coaching For Teens

Your teenager has been struggling for a while. She’s trying to feel good about her body, attempting diets, restrictive eating and exercise. She’s overwhelmed with self-judgement, tying her self-worth to external validation while hiding her anxiety and longing to become more confident, more accepted, more connected. She’s been seeking help, trying everything and feeling unsuccessful. It’s a daily struggle and she just wants solutions.

You’ve tried so much. Helping with diets, offering advice, taking her to doctors, therapists and fitness trainers. You’ve spent time, money and a lot of mental energy with little success. You’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated too. Nothing seems to work and your daughter’s anxiety and self-judgment is only getting worse. She may be hiding most of what she’s feeling (or doing) with her eating but you know all is not well.

If you could only do something about it.

You Can!

Investing in your teen’s health and wellness through coaching is the solution. It’s the key to ending his challenges and transforming his life.

Weight, body image, anxiety and self-esteem challenges are not quick overnight fixes. It takes dedicated time. It takes the experience and know-how of a coach who specializes in teen and college-age young adults. It takes a coach who understands their unique challenges and has the necessary strategies to get real, transformative, and lasting change.

The key difference with my coaching is looking at the parts and the whole of your child’s being. It’s a proactive approach that looks forward and seeks positive change. I work with them to strengthen all of him and not just one area. Resolving one challenge is like patching a single hole in a boat riddled with holes. It slows the sinking but the end result is the same.

With my coaching program, we work together on all of who she is and all the power she holds. We work on what’s been keeping her stuck and focus on what she is capable of, not what’s “wrong”. We take on the possible and make it happen. Most of all, my coaching approach recognizes your teenager is a complex person and making true, deep change takes work on all levels. From changes in eating and health to growth in mindset, shifts in habits and evolution in her actions. It takes inner work that blooms into outer action. The more she does the inner work to shift and evolve, the more she’ll thrive.

All it takes is one small step to help her to grow, bloom and thrive.

Review my coaching services to find the one that’s right for your child and let’s discuss their next step, together.

Coaching Programs

Group Coaching Teen Esteem Healthy Reset 

In my signature program, your teen or college-age young adult will engage in collaborative, yet highly personalized Small Group Coaching. Each powerful session guides inner work while providing peer support and validation.

Working with me and others like her, your teen will learn critical components of building a healthy mind and body, in a way that fits her needs and specific lifestyle. She’ll shed negative stories and limiting beliefs, shift unhealthy thought patterns, lean on her unique qualities, and build authentic self-confidence. With each session she’ll apply tangible action steps towards the life she deeply desires.

How it Works

Small group coaching sessions

Personal needs identification and goal-setting to guide their growth journey

Collaborative participation that fosters peer support

New concepts each week, experiential exercises that stimulate comprehension, and proven tools and methods that reinforce retention

Text and email support with me

Nutrition education, eating tips, and self-care strategies

Worksheets and practices proven to build self-esteem and confidence,

Premium 1:1
Coaching with Leslie

Direct, one-on-one coaching sessions focused completely on your son or daughter’s and their goals. Each session is exclusively customized and focused on your teen’s specific and unique needs.

If your child prefers private coaching or needs more individualized help for resolving unhealthy eating behaviors like: emotional eating, uncontrollable cravings, overeating, binging behaviors, over-focus on calorie counting or restricting. Or, overcoming negative self-beliefs and low self-esteem, and is uncomfortable with a group setting, this is the program you’ll want.

How it Works

Private and customized 1:1 coaching sessions including many of the same benefits as group coaching, but on a more highly targeted and personalized level to address your teen’s specific needs

Text and email support

Worksheets, checklists and proven techniques that guide their growth journey


Bonus materials customized to your teen or young adult’s specific challenges with greater guidance like my proprietary health journaling system and emotional eating workbook.

6-Month Complete
Teen Transformation Package

Deep and lasting change that creates a foundation for ages-to-come, takes dedication, hard work and time. 

This is for a teen or young adult who’s highly committed to a complete lifestyle change that transforms body and mind.

In the 6-month program, she’ll learn how to care for and love her body, eat intuitively and mindfully, and make choices that improve health and well-being.  She’ll also dig deeper into herself and build a stronger foundation that supports all that she is and wants to be. She’ll go from striving to thriving and loving her life. 

How it Works

Twenty-four 1:1 coaching sessions

Text and email support

Worksheets, checklists and proven techniques that guide her growth journey

In-depth health, nutrition and life-style wellness based on her specific needs

Bonus materials customized to your teen or young adult’s specific phase of growth and desires for change like my proprietary health journaling system and emotional eating workbook


Option to attend live group coaching sessions

6-month Progress and Results tracking

 Here’s What’s Possible


  • end emotional eating and overeating

  • eliminate sugar addiction and cravings

  • discover intuitive and mindful eating

  • optimize nutrition and overall health

  • increase energy

  • improve sleep

  • embrace daily exercise and movement


  • build confidence

  • improve self-esteem

  • eliminate anxiety and manage stress

  • prioritize personal needs

  • end self-judgement and negative talk

  • crush self-limiting beliefs


  • discover the beauty of the authentic self

  • learn self-love

  • validate self-worth

  • rediscover purpose and motivation

How to Talk to Your Teen About Disordered Eating

When your teen struggles with unhealthy eating behaviors and negative body image, it’s hard to address without your teen shutting down, feeling attacked, or denying.

Get the Guide!

Find out effective methods for opening the conversation and supporting your teen at home.

  • When your teen struggles with unhealthy eating behaviors and negative body images, it’s hard to address without them shutting down, feeling attached or denying.

What Clients Say…

  • “It felt like I hired someone to help me get my life back together."


    “I loved working with Leslie. I loved how I never felt judged of my bad eating habits and how I felt safe talking to her. She was very understanding and helped me improve mentally and physically. She never made me feel disappointed with myself when I wasn’t making any progress but instead helped me understand why, what was getting in my way and how I could overcome it. She also helped change my view of food.

    Leslie always went above and beyond in trying to help me. It didn’t feel like I hired a nutritionist, it felt like I hired someone to help me get my life back together. She listened to my problems, gave me feedback and showed me how I could approach things. Her feedback was always useful. I benefited a lot from working with Leslie.

    She would be the first person I would recommend to anyone who struggles with food.”

  • "Coaching from Leslie changed my mindset for the better and to be kinder to myself.”

    Denise C.

    “Working with Leslie has taught me a lot about myself and why I am the person that I am. My initial goal was weight loss, but I learned much more. I learned that I have to be kinder to myself because any goal takes a mindful discipline and a positive outlook – and she dives deep into these things. I discovered that I was over-eating with a destructive mindset.

    Coaching from Leslie changed my mindset for the better and to be kinder to myself. I know that I am finally on track to eating better and becoming healthier. I really appreciate Leslie and all the help she has given me. She is so kind and respectful during our talks and always makes me feel comfortable to open up. I highly recommend Leslie, she will help you achieve your goals.”


Real Health & Confidence Change That Lasts

Do you want to know the real key to helping your teenager overcome her challenges with deep and lasting results? It’s through coaching that addresses her whole: health, mental wellness and life.

Weight loss isn’t just about cutting calories or a trendy diet. Weight gain isn’t solved by eating more. Overcoming eating challenges isn’t a quick fix. Sure, you can get temporary results but it won’t last and the root challenges will persist. It goes deeper. The body is the symptom, not the root cause. It starts with mindset and beliefs.

My coaching will work on all levels to help eliminate the roadblocks that are getting in the way of your child’s full potential and open the door for a powerful, self-directed future. My programs incorporate healthy changes naturally. We uncover what’s been keeping them stuck and they’ll learn to overcome those challenges with strength and conviction. We’ll identify central goals and sow the seeds that help them grow stronger and bloom fully. They’ll have fun discovering what works for them and learn to honor their body first and follow-through with actions and behaviors that match. Most of all, your child will be motivated to make transformational steps in order to achieve the success they deeply desire. 

Your teen’s life is just beginning, help establish a path of powerful, self-directed success. Give her the gift of coaching that eliminates the obstacles and provides meaningful tools that can be used right now and at any stage of her life.

30-Minute Clarity Call

If you’re new to coaching it can seem mysterious or odd. You likely have numerous questions on how it works, the process and results to expect. That’s why I created my complimentary Clarity Call. 

This 30-minute call is completely free and there’s no pressure or obligation. It’s a chance for us to chat, get clear on where your child is at, what they’re seeking, and determine if I’m the right coach. That’s it! 

Schedule now and invest in 30 minutes that can impact your teenager’s lifetime.


My Guarantee

If you or your teenager have gone through therapy, you know how slow and long it can take to see results. Sometimes yielding small changes, sometimes not at all. You also know how expensive hourly therapy sessions can be and, now more than ever, how difficult it is to even get an appointment with a good therapist.

If your child wants help with their eating, weight, body anxiety or self-confidence, I guarantee that your teen will get more out of our coaching sessions. You’ll see faster, more positive and holistic changes than you’ve previously received in the same time-period with a specialist.


The most important time is NOW.
The most important person is your TEENAGER.
The most important step is getting HELP that delivers RESULTS.