
Hello there!

I’m Leslie.

A master certified health and life coach adept at empowering teenagers and college-age young adults to triumph over their weight and body anxiety challenges, take back their power, and achieve the life and happiness they deeply desire.

I know how difficult it is to find a trusted and reliable professional who can get the results you both desire. I know because I’ve gone through it myself and it wasn’t easy.

Not long ago I was in your shoes. When my daughter hit her teen years she struggled with her weight, body image and confidence. She developed eating challenges and anxiety, constantly self-judging and seeking external validation. It consumed her attention daily, limited her social interactions and chipped away at her confidence and happiness.  The young, social and happy girl I once knew was replaced with an anxious, self-judging, lonely and sad teen. After seeing her struggle with diets, disordered eating and food control, I knew her personal struggle was more than simple weight loss and a trendy diet wasn’t enough. The problem was, we couldn’t find anyone who was effective in helping. Doctors, therapists, dietitians and fitness trainers all had different and sometimes conflicting advice that left us running from one place to the next, trying to stitch the advice together and never getting to the root of her needs.

My strong desire to help my daughter, and teens like her, caused me to shift my coaching focus and become a mission-driven expert helping parents and their teens achieve the weight, health and confidence changes they’re seeking to stop the constant pain and anxiety.

As I continue to engage with teen and college-age girls and boys, I know the challenges are sadly common among a vast number of teens. What’s sadder is very few professionals, media or leaders are addressing the concerning epidemic with teens’ mental and physical health today.  Prior to the pandemic, mental health, anxiety, and obesity were already large and troubling issues among teens. Since then, they’ve all increased significantly. Teens and young adults were abruptly halted in their social, academic and athletic lives. Futures suddenly turned upside down without a defined outlook and no clear end in sight. Isolation, lost life experiences, and uncertainty have left them lonely, sad, anxious and depressed. As a highly-qualified, master certified health and life coach, with nutrition certification and, a life-long health and fitness enthusiast I combined my skills and knowledge to develop a transformational teen program that goes beyond typical diets and therapy. Teens and college-age young adults have a different mindset, growing bodies with developing hormones, and different motivations than adults. The methods that get results also have to be different. I take a whole body-mind approach, helping my young clients uncover where and why they’re stuck within their unique life stage. We then work collaboratively to make pivotal mindset, behavioral and lifestyle changes that transform.

Please know, my goal is to help your child push through their fears and limiting beliefs. show them how to maximize their innate powers and build masterful techniques to overcome life’s obstacles. They’ll learn real health practices and eating, not trendy diets and they’ll embrace self-care and self-love. Each tangible and actionable step will clear the path to ultimate success.

For you, my goal is to take the difficult parts off your hands and allow you to do the fun work – supporting, cheering your teen on and watching them change!

Haven’t they struggled enough already?

It’s time to invest in your teenager so they can Grow, Bloom and Thrive in the life they deeply desire.
Let’s chat over a Free 30-minute Clarity Call and discover their true potential.

It’s your child’s future. I’m willing to invest the time, are you?

Just a quick call to begin the most important investment in your child’s life.

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“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Elon Musk

What People Are Saying

Lani W.

“The 90-Day program taught me so much about nutrition, my eating habits and listening to my body. I learned how to increase my energy, improve my sleep and kick sugar cravings! All without dieting or hard-core workouts. ALL that in one 90-day program?


Hanna R.

“Leslie uncovered so many revealing aha moments about what was blocking me from succeeding. I learned small techniques that helped me see myself differently. Each one brought me a step closer to my goal. I can’t believe how small changes in my thinking gave me big results in my body and confidence.”

Still Uncertain?
It’s OK, I Don’t Bite!

I’ve learned the hard way that not asking for help leaves you stuck. Trust me, all it takes is a simple 30-minute Clarity Call to discover if coaching is right for your child. No obligations. No pressure. My goal is to help you with her goals, not mine.